19 August 2009

A Little Spark

My calendar quilt has been on the back burner for the past four months, being snubbed for other projects, but I got a glimpse of a friend's quilt strips and got sparked to sit and catch mine up. I think I was getting bored with the long straight strip sets that I did for the first four months, so for the second four months I changed it up with diagonal cut squares for each week. Luckily I was throwing strips in a basket from projects that I was working on during these months so I could document them in this quilt (otherwise, it would have been very difficult to remember what I was doing at the time). I have more detailed info. on the fabrics I used, and close ups of some of the blocks here on my blog for anyone who is interested.

I always get sparked to start new things in January (when this was starting), and I usually get a little boost of energy in the fall with 'back to school' time. I know that I will have valleys during the year when I get behind on BOM projects ~ and sometimes I put them away all together for some time in the future. That's ok with me, I know a little spark will come eventually and I will always have some project in the wings just waiting for me to add a little more to it :)

Enjoy the day!
~ Dawn

10 August 2009

An Untimely Choice I Made Now Undone!

At the beginning of this year (was it really 8 months ago--yes it was 8 months ago to the day no less!) I had made the decision that I was finally going to get my butt in gear and start making all the quilts that I see so many others make and I was going to be as good at it as my mother and grandmother were. I was all gung ho about making the 3 different quilts I was starting. I was working on them diligently.... and then.... well..... the excuses started... the time ran short... the patterns wouldn't cooperate... the people were supportive and I never looked back to see how many complaints I got about my block being the wrong size... I never went back to finish the "Make it up as you go along" quilt.... I got through the first couple of months of the calendar quilt and...... well there hasn't been anymore done on it or any other quilt. I look around at all the blogs that I started following (YES, I do still lurk and read them, just not daily as I did before) and I see these absolutely beautiful quilts that have been completed by so many. I see crafts and ideas and organization coming out the wazoo! Yet I haven't seemed to be able to take any of the ideas, the creativity, the organization and do anything with any of it! So I have discovered that I made an UNTIMELY Decision back in January. I have realized (and should have realized this 8 months ago) that I don't have the discipline, determination or dexterious skills to handle one let alone three quilts at this time, nor any time in the near future.

I have some baby blankets--as I refuse to call them quilts as I cannot quilt and no longer claim to even be able to piece them together--to make for my 3 grandchildren and one precious child that I call my adopted grandchild, Forrest, that doesn't have any grandparents that live close to him. I will be putting fabric together or sandwiching batting between fabric in the attempt to make these blankets; but I refuse to call them quilts. Others may, but I will not.

In the event that my life finally finds a point in time where I can slow down long enough to focus, concentrate, and become disciplined enough to complete projects; then I may once again take up the endeavors of learning to quilt. To all of you that have been a part of my brief quilting existence and hopefully an even longer blog life yet to come, I thank you for using the blogosphere as a means of support for those of us that can't do what you do, being there giving your ideas freely, sharing your creativity, allowing us in on your organizational hints, and for allowing us to view a glimpse of the lives of true quilters. I will continue, if allowed, to follow your blogs and your daily triumphs and occassional defeats. To those of you that have become true quilters...my hat is off to you and I profess my adoration for your skills.
Shelly from Shell's Specialty of the Day

04 August 2009


This is for June.

Really hard to find time to concentrate on this challenge and I owe few more to complete. This time I had more stash on earth shades and mixed and match to get this combination. Month of June had really 'stay-put' me down more to reality of life.....